17 miler

I’m not really sure if I’m happy with my 17 miler.

I mean, I did it, I finished, I wasn’t dead after. But I’m just not super pleased with my time.

17 miles in 2:46, avg pace 9:49

As I was trying to be positive, I told myself, I’m sure this is better than last years 17 miler… umm. nope. that was avg 9:09 pace. :/

It’s odd because I felt like we were keeping a pretty decent pace. Even weirder… the times I felt like I was slowing down, I’d check my Garmin and I was actually doing really well and the times I felt like I was rockin my pace, I’d look down and I was going slower! What the heck?! I’m not even sure what went wrong, if anything went wrong?! or what?! I never felt like I “hit the wall” or couldn’t take one more step, sure, I could feel it, I mean, hello?! I was running 17 miles, my legs shouldn’t feel fresh at mile 15, but still… I’m kinda bugged.

As much as I am disappointed, I’m trying to be positive. I still finished a 17 mile run (and went on to function throughout the day… well… ’til about 9, then I passed out!). My stomach did well with the new energy gels. And my arch wasn’t killing me (thank you Lord!), I could feel it, but it was definitely bearable. But whatev, it’s over, and I’m moving on!!!

Next weekend my Mom and I are running Riverton City 1/2 Marathon. I’m hoping to have a super strong race and boost my confidence a little. I’m not sure what the course elevation is, but the course looks pretty good, it runs along the Jordan River trail. And I’m pretty sure Sundance’s family will be there to cheer me on. His Dad and his brother, Dallas and his fam have mentioned that they’d like to come. I always do better when I know I’m gonna see someone I know at the finish line. It makes me want to push hard and finish strong!

Another thing I’m looking forward to… running an 18 miler with Rachelleย on April 2nd. I hope (and pray) I can keep up with her. She just ran Moab Canyonland’s half marathon and ROCKED! Check her out!

Oh yeah… the energy gels

the Lava Paradise Peach… not my fav. Flavor was okay, the texture… eh. Just not my fav. The Gu Roctane Pineapple flavor… much better. A little thicker, more like a jelly, but went down just fine. I finished up with the Accel Gel in Chocolate (with 20mg caffeine). My favorite one. Flavor was good (though I can see myself not digging the chocolate if I was not feeling well on a run…), and it went down super smooth. I’m looking forward to trying the other Accel Gels and my other Gu Roctane. My Mom also tried the Lava Paradise Peach, the Key Lime Accel Gel and the Huckleberry Hammer Gel. She agrees that the Lava was not her fav. She liked the Accel gel, but LOVED the Huckleberry Hammer Gel.
Not sure how I’ll fuel for the 1/2 marathon, I might try 3 gels again, just so I have enough energy… thinking one gel around 5, then 9, then another around 11 just to give me a burst. Still not 100% sure. Any ideas from my fellow runners?
Also… forgot to mention on my last post… that I’m thinking about running Utah Valley Marathon. When I mentioned it to Janaeย at our fro-yo date on Friday she was super supportive. I was totally excited and felt really strongly about signing up. And even want to sign up for St. George Marathon again. Which would mean… 3 marathons in a year (if we got into St. George, it’s a lottery). (but after my not-so-awesome-17 miler, I am not so sure) Part of me just wants to DO IT!

10 thoughts on “17 miler

  1. Julia says:

    ahhhhhhhhh you should totally do Utah valley!!! It would be so fun if you did!!!!! We would have awesome blogger pre and post pics :)Also…you are still going to rock your half next weekend AND the full! seriously…you are awesome…dont even sweat the slower pace this time around…you ran 17 miles!! every once in a while we just have slower days but then we come out and ROCK the next LR we have so I am completely confident in you ๐Ÿ™‚ excited for your half…I am sure you will do amazing and I cant wait to hear about it :)I wish I could run 18 miles with you all ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I am itching to get back into my LRs but am going to have to rethink my training strategy since I will only have 11 weeks left to be conservative but still ready…eeek! hopefully we can still run together some other time though! you are awesome! have a good night!


  2. Rachelle Wardle says:

    Yay!! Thanks for the shout out and I am so excited to do 18 with you. I really cannot talk myself into liking distance so it will be so nice to have someone suffering with me.Also the point is that you did your 17 miles. Time is really not important for training, it is just that you are getting your body prepared for the distance. It is easy to beat ourselves up about bad runs but it really is all about the learning experience so keep your head up.I usually only take 2 gels for half marathons but at Saturdays race I did 2 and a half because I was just needing the extra energy. I think you will totally suprise yourself with your half next weekend. You have been working so hard and I know it is going to pay off.


  3. Ann says:

    Omg, girl, you are on the crazy-train if you think that run was “bad”. Some of us (ahem) would love to run 17 mile at a sub-10 minute pace!! Chin up, you are a total rockstar.


  4. Jen says:

    I wouldn’t worry too much about your pace for that run. You’ve really been rocking it lately and I’m sure it was just one of those days. Besides, I’d love to have that time! I’m excited for your half, I’m sure it will be just the boost you need. I should have signed up for a half somewhere along the way!I’m thinking of doing Utah Valley too. I figure I’ll already be trained! ๐Ÿ™‚ So let’s both do it!That Huckleberry really is good. Their apple cinnamon is good too! Hammer seems to be the only gel I can do so I’m going to stick with it!I can’t wait to see you again!


  5. MuncherCruncher says:

    haha love that pic of you girl! You are darling! You should be SO proud of yourself. First of all…stop and remember that it’s 17 miles! Don’t compare yourself, don’t sweat about the pace. Be PROUD you can run that far. That is such a huge accomplishment! Don’t forget that we have our good days and our bad days. We can’t always be perfect runners! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I still am so sad I missed out on friday ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I hope i get to see you tomorrow!! xoxoxo


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